Strength 5X | Intellect 5X | |
1 Edge | * | Hand Size |
Agility 6C | Willpower 5C |
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Tabitha Smith, X-Men Fun Coordinator
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Real Name
Tabitha Smith.
Tabby-Cat, Boomer, Boom-Boom, Meltdown.
Dual citizenship; United States, Genosha.
Place of Birth
Roanoke, Virginia, United States.
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Youthful Exhuberance
Tabby is ever a stereotypical bubbly blonde, unable to commit to a nail polish color let alone more serious entanglements. But her spontaneous and often flighty attitude belies a fierce loyalty to her adopted family, and a knowledge of the line where it is important to stop being the flirtatious practical joker and begin to take things seriously.
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Flinging, Martial Arts; Taunting, Teaching.
Cosmic Energy Control 15
- Limit(s): Stunts Only
- Stunt(s): Time Bombs
- Tabitha can create explosive spheres of cosmic energy of any size and intensity up to her power intensity score. These bombs can be set to detonate on impact, at a remote signal, or after any time interval she chooses, up to an hour. Tabitha can also ‘defuse’ the bombs at any time, so long as she remains within firing range of them based off her overall power intensity.
- Detonation replicates the Energy Blast– Explosion stunt.
- Each active bomb reduces the power’ intensity by 1 until the bomb is discharged.
- Stunt(s): Focused Blast
- Tabitha can use two different intensities when generating a bomb, selecting one up to her power intensity for the strength of the blast and a second to use when gauging ‘firing range’ for the sake of the Explosive effect. Firing Range intensity must be less than or equal to the blast intensity by a number determined by WP score.
- I.E., Assuming a WP score of 5, a bomb with a Strength intensity of 15 must have a Firing Range intensity of at least 10.
- Stunt(s): Absorption 10 (Radiation)
- Limit(s): No Stunts.
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Explosive personality, and a mutation to match!
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Born in Roanoke, Virginia, to Lou and Suzanne Smith, Tabitha’s childhood began like many other unfortunate children’s do. She was raised amidst constant yelling and fighting, and before she’d reached the age of four, her mother left the abusive relationship, taking off in the middle of the night and leaving young Tabitha with her father, who blamed her for his failed marriage, and her mother’s abandonment. He remarried a couple years later, and Tabitha’s new step-mother, Amanda, tried to be a loving mother to Tabitha. Showering her with affection, and toys and new clothes meant to cover up the worst of the bruises, but she, like all of Tabitha’s teachers, and her friend’s parents, turned a not-so-blind eye on what was happening. Just as Lou was either too drunk, or too uncaring, to do anything about his Monday Night Football cohort’s attention to Tabby. At least, it wasn’t aimed at his wife.
Withdrawn, and constantly terrified of doing anything to incur Lou’s easily sparked wrath, it wasn’t until the girl was eleven when it finally proved to be too much. When it wasn’t resignation over what was about to happen to her, as it did nearly every Monday, but something else that rose over her terror. The resulting explosion took out the entire backside of the house, her attacker flung through the house. For the first time in her life, the fear was on Lou’s face, instead of hers when he came to investigate. But that she could handle, might have even come to embrace. It was the look on Amanda’s face, the woman wasn’t her real mother, but she was the only one she knew, and the only person who had ever seemed to actually care for her. And now her face, her eyes, were filled with loathing and disgust.
With a name for what she’d become, Tabitha only knew of one place to go, and the eleven year old lied, stole, and hitchhiked her way to New York.
Xavier’s School for the Gifted.
It didn’t take the girl long to make the change from withdrawn and scared to vivacious, energetic and loud. She was, at first, hesitant to learn to fight. It brought back memories she’d run from, and tried to leave behind her, of her childhood home and abusive father. Eventually though, she took it up with gusto as she did everything else, she wasn’t going to let memories make her too scared to learn the lessons at hand. Overcompensating for the damaged, empty shell that she’d become after nearly a lifetime of mental, physical and sexual abuse, throwing herself into who she wanted to be until eventually even she forgot that she’d ever been anything else. Her new found ability to gloss past anything she didn’t like, or didn’t want to deal with, repressing any mention of life before she’d made it to Westchester. Using her powers was something she reveled in, the destructiveness, the euphoria of the energy tingling in her fingertips.
Tabby constantly amused herself and others with her wisecracking, jokes, and posing during combat practice, teasing and poking fun at those on the opposite sides in practices, and taking a sort of pleasure out of getting her opponents riled up to the point of distraction. She flirted and batted her lashes, experimented and grew, friends with everyone, while not letting anyone in. Unable, and unwilling, to form attachments to anyone because she’d learned a lesson most jaded adults don’t get until much later, before she was a teenager. Letting people in, meant they could, and would, hurt you tremendously. There were no second thoughts about going on to Arcadia after she’d finished high school. She could act as if she had the separation from her adopted family at Xavier’s, while following the logical progression of education, thanks to Charles Xavier’s ‘scholarship.’
College agreed with the blonde, particularly a school like Arcadia where mayhem was prolific and high spirited companions pretty much in endless supply. Unlike most people, Tabitha looked forward to the nights where Mojo would take over and it was free license to do whatever people liked, as long as they were playing the game. Even the games like Horrorween, where others cowered and shrieked, she would throw herself into full force. No matter how real it seemed, not only did she think it wasn’t, but none of it was anything to make her frightened. Outside of one year, when a featured ‘horror’ was Lou Smith, wielding his belt like a weapon and hunting. When she was approached by Forge to be one of the founding members of the New Mutants, she jumped at the chance. Helping recruit others, such as Hellion, to the cause. Pleased with her expanding stable of men to flirt, and torment with endlessly. As well as Julian’s trust fund and willingness to watch her model skimpy clothes for hours. She’d train with the ‘junior’ team, never looking at it as a slight that she wasn’t called up to the regular X-Men. Continuing on at Arcadia, she split her time between studies, parties, and training on the sub with the rest of her team. She met Alex Summers, who was of particular delight to torment and tease. But the only thing Tabitha ever seemed to be willing to give of herself to was her Jello Wrestling Calendar and training.
She would get a call up, eventually, to the Big Leagues and travel with the X-Men to Australia to battle one of Apocalypses’ Horseman. Shocking the Summers, and perhaps most of the rest of the team, with the fact that she took it all completely seriously as soon as they were in the field. The silly behavior only returning when the immediate danger was passed, and she could make herself a distraction instead of a hindrance. But soon, her and her own little team, would need saving as their aquatic base was sunk beneath the ocean. And graduation from college, with a real actual degree in teaching, left her with the choice of striking out on her own. Growing up. Or doing what she ultimately chose. Going back to Westchester. Back to home, where she started teaching, with Havok now in charge of her team. The manner of their respective powers making it hard to keep away, but she Tabitha was unable to open herself up to him to be anything more than friends. For the first time though, she had a real friend, not just someone she’d occasionally party with. The most permanent fixture in her life in nearly a decade, when they were both offered jobs at the new University opening in Genosha she lept at the chance.
Xavier U.
Moving into a condo with Alex, Tabitha had an entirely new city to learn and explore. New places, new sorts of fun. She made a name for herself, by leading classrooms that on the outside looked like the sort of thing to make upper admin scowl and consider replacing her, but produced students with high testing scores, and excellent concept retention. Treating it like she did everything else in her life, as if there was a game to be made out of it and replacing boring lectures with devices that were active and engaging in order to get mathmatic concepts to ‘stick.’ When there was news of her best friend’s father, she went along with professed want to have her interstellar booty calls, and explore ‘bold new horizons.’ It was certainly a large factor, but the real truth was she wasn’t going to let him do something like that ‘alone.’ And she’d promised the newest addition to the house, Alex’s girlfriend Rachel, that she wouldn’t let him get more than four tattoos, and would bring him back in one piece.
She got everything she wanted, out of the trip, too. Adventure. Danger. But when the call of Interstellar Booty came, in the form of the dashing Longshot, Tabby made a decision that probably shocked even her. Consciously choosing her best friend, and not abandoning him and Rachel, over a few weeks of what would have been, undoubtedly, inanely fun hedonism. On their return to Earth however, Tabitha found herself in a detention cell with S.H.I.E.L.D. A situation her glib attitude and smart mouth wouldn’t get her out of. It turned out to be, even above fighting Horsemen, watching her home sink and team members be lost, the most terrifying experience of her adulthood. Forced to be in the room with a father she hadn’t thought of once, since she was twelve, and the man who had helped to destroy the girl she once might have been. Memories she had repressed brought screaming to the forefront, and in the wake of being unable to cope with Lou Smith, no matter how repentant he might have seemed, and his friend who had been exactly the opposite, she’d gone with Alex back to Genosha.
They found that while they had been gone, a battle had raged across the X.U. campus, spewing demons during a teleporter malfunction, leaving Rachel in a hospital bed, her body weak and unresponsive for no reason that the medical staff could really decipher. Seeing her friend that way, and worse seeing the way Alex was handling it, made her realize to some small level the fragility of what she had there, no matter how she approached the rest of her life like it didn’t matter and she’d just roll with it. Alex Summers became the first person that Tabitha had ever told about the reality of her childhood. Her thoughts on why she’d turned out the way she had, and expecting horror and disgust, instead she got only support.
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