
Strength 10A   Intellect 6C
3 Edge * Hand Size
Agility 10A   Willpower 10A



Real Name
James Howlett.
Jim Logan, Logan, Patch, Weapon X, Wolverine.
Secret, known to most high level government officials.
Dual citizenship; authentic NFL jerseys Canada, Japan.
Place of Birth
Alberta, Canada.

Animal Nature
Logan is a fierce, ruthless fighter struggling to keep his bestial nature in check. Although brutal and humorless with both friends and enemies, Logan has an old-fashioned chivalrous streak when it comes to women. He is a loner at heart, even going so far as to establish a new identity as “Patch” in the Far East principality of Madripoor. He is much older than he looks, at least 200+ years old.


Brawling, Knives, Natural Weapons, SwordsContingent Action, Fast Exit, Marksmanship, Martial ArtsCriminology, Espionage; Animal Handling, Intimidation, Survival, Tracking.


  • Claws +5
    • Stunt(s):Unbreakable
  • Empathy 14
    • Limit(s): Animals Only.
  • Enhanced Senses (All) 16
    • Stunt(s): Night Vision.
  • Regeneration 18
  • Resistance +12, to aging, detection, diseases, poison, and telepathy.




Alberta, Canada.

The mythos of the man known as Logan begins on a hill. The Valley below nothing more than a township in Canada that would one day become a spiraling city. The peak of the hill crested with a castle like home build on a rolling estate. It’s owners a courtly young couple known as the Howletts.

Like all Big Money Families of the time, the Howletts had money, and secrets. Some of them you’ll read about here.


Birth of a Wolverine

1870 – 1890 The Howletts, Elizabeth and John had two sons; John Jr. and James. Their first son, John Jr., was afflicted with allergies during the day and age that it was difficult to…


World War I: The Spy

1910 – 1920 World War One was a horrid time for everyone, and it just so happen to occur as James was enlisting in the Canadian Armed Forces. At the time England still held…


World War II: Lucky Jim

1935-1945 With the coming of the second World War, and the tragic death of his Master Ogun, he would venture again out into the world. Logan again felt the call of Canadian Armed Forces….


Weapon X: Origins

1950 – 1965 Awareness of mutants, stemming not only from Logan’s own success in World War Two, but from the explosion of one mutant at the Auchwitz internment camp, along with the success of…


Madripoor: The Lost Years.

1965-1970 Following the Bay of Pigs, Team X would split up. All of the members scattering to the wind. Logan’s own traumatized mind making him the only member of the team that couldn’t be…


Japan: The Gaijin

1970 – 1985 Prior to Logan’s indoctrination into the CIA, SHIELD, or the Gulf War, but -after- his experience with World War II, with Cap he traveled to Japan. While he was in Japan,…


Adamantium anyone?

1985 – 2000 Unfortunately the whole recall was a ruse. The C.I.A. operatives were in fact Weapon X agents. They abducted Logan, bringing him to their newest facility where he would once again become…


Welcome to the X-Men!

2000 – 2005 Logan participated in the destruction of Weapon X, joining with the X-Men there after. He and Scott Summers would have a hot and cold friendship as they competed for the affection…



2006 – Current W.I.P.