Japan: The Gaijin

1970 – 1985

Prior to Logan’s indoctrination into the CIA, SHIELD, or the Gulf War, but -after- his experience with World War II, with Cap he traveled to Japan. While he was in Japan, he was destitute. He needed a place to stay and he was a wilder. So, he stayed in the Woods. Hunted for his food, lived off the land.

He happened upon a clearing one day while he was in the woods scavenging, and came upon a group of “Ninja” who were attacking Mariko and her friend, Kenuichio Harada. Mariko was very young at the time, but her friend was making a good effort defending them. Logan was untrained, but he exploded out of the woods like a madman, caught the Ninja by surprise.. and with the graces of his healing factor he saved them.

Kenuichio Harada, would later become the Silver Samurai of course. The son of a Japanese Crime Boss. He is the reason they were being attacked. Logan didn’t know any of that however. Mariko’s father however took on the life dept that Mariko owed Logan. So he adopted him into their family. Taught him the way of the Samurai. Logan always served as Mariko’s protector for the next ten to fifteen years. That developed of course into a relationship of love.

During yet another Japanese Mob fight, this one nearly fifteen years later, Amiko’s parents are killed. Logan could not save them, -and- protect Mariko as well. This lead to Logan feeling responsible in his typical way. So he adopted Amiko just as Mariko’s father adopted him. Just after “Adopting” Amiko, Logan was recalled to the States for a CIA assignment. He would leave Amiko with his adopted family, and head off.