"Dark" Emma Frost the White Queen

Strength 3C
  Intellect 8B
2 Edge * Hand Size 4 (30)
Agility 4X   Willpower 11A


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Real Name
Emma Grace Frost
White Queen, “Dark Emma.”
Currently known only to a few.
United States of America; England.
Place of Birth
Boston, Massachusetts.

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Mentor & Greed
Emma Frost is icy as her name. Despite her vast powers she prefers to rely upon her charisma and cunning. She believes everyone is entitled to his or her privacy, especially when it comes the mind. This belief extends only so far as Emma’s trust in the specific individual. Emma tends to avoid direct conflict, preferring to scheme behind the scenes. Perhaps in spite of this, when driven to conflict Emma Frost has the best training that money can buy. She is often cold and ruthless, but cares deeply for those she takes on as her charges.


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Brawling, WhipsAssessment, Computers, ElectronicsFinance, Leadership, Manipulation, Mental Control.


  • Body Transformation 16
    • Stunt(s): Invulnerable to Mental Control, Life Support.
    • Limit(s): Diamond form only; Emma loses access to all intellect and willpower abilities.
  • Empathy 5
  • Illusion 14
    • Limit(s): Must first use Telepathy or Mind Control on her target(s).
  • Mind Control
  • Nullification 14
    • Limit(s); Only usable on Willpower-base powers.
  • Psi-Screen +10
  • Psychic Blast 16
    • Stunt(s): Mind Blowing, Psychic Detection, Sedation.
  • Resistance +10 to Mental Control.
  • Telepathy 16
    • Stunt(s): Life Detection, Mental Probe, Psychic Invisibility, Rangeless.

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The woman that some call “Dark Emma” in whispers that she can’t hear, is not from this world. She is a refuge from a doomed time-line, but not just any timeline. “Dark Emma” was pulled to the current timeline from the previous one. She is a product of the broken world that Wanda Maximoff left behind. While much of her history resembles the Emma Frost of this world, the differences are both subtle and pronounced.

The Early Years.

Born Emma Grace Frost, in Boston, Massachusetts to the wealthy and established Frost Family. Her parents, Winston and Hazel, were the inheritors of wealth dating back to their mercantile family roots in the 1600’s. She, along with her three  siblings; Christian, Cordelia, and Adrienne, were raised in a very formal Bostonian/Elizabethan life-style. While they wanted for nothing, they were expected to adhere to very strict societal rules of etiquette.  Of which, they were taught nearly from birth. Over the years of her youth, Emma grew very close to her mother but had a very cold relationship with her father. Winston resented Emma, because as she grew older she became everything that her mother was not. Strong, poised, unwilling to simply accept ‘Because I said so,’ from her father as the end of every discussion. This created an early rivalry between Emma and her sisters, as Adrienne and Cordelia easily became favored in the eyes of their Father.

Eventually Emma was old enough to be sent away to school. This is where she began to excel. Left to her own devices and mostly without the supervision of her controlling father, Emma was able to navigate her way through preparatory classes at genius level aptitudes. While this received very little notice of her Father, it did catch the eye of her Professors. One in particular was Ian Kendall, whom she began an elicit relationship with. Upon discovering the affair, Winston utilized this as leverage to blackmail Emma. He believed, finally, that he had brought his wayward daughter to heel. Shortly after this Emma began having chronic migraines which she attributed to stress from the pressure her father was exerting. It was not long after this, that she began to hear other people’s thoughts.

Not long after Emma turned 18, her father grew ill and decided to name his ‘Heir’ to the Frost Estate. With their mother having passed away a handful of years before, Adrienne was the obvious choice as an Heir, but despite her obviously being the favored one Winston chose Emma. It was later found that Winston believed that she was the only one he could trust, as he had blackmail material on her that would keep her in line. However, shockingly, Emma turned the offer aside and chose to make her way in the world on her own.

Making a Life for Herself.

Emma took the streets of Boston. Devoid of any fortune, she began working as a Waitress. She moved in with a some-times boyfriend by the name of Troy. Not long after doing so, she discovered that Troy owed money to a loan shark. Emma began to exploit her ability to read minds to erase his debt, culminating in the use of her mind control powers to win a considerable amount from a Casino in Las Vegas. When their duplicity was uncovered (though not the source of it), the two were forced to take part in a scheme by which Emma would be kidnapped and her family extorted for a ransom. This initially did not work out, as Winston refused to pay the ransom because he believed his daughter was ‘Dead to Him’ already. However Adrienne leaked the video of her kidnapping to the press and public opinion forced Winston to capitulate. Emma however had other ideas, she made the Loan Shark believe he had taken his cut of the ransom and she kept the lion’s share for herself. Then promptly removed herself from the relationship with Troy and once more struck out on her own.

Not long after this Emma found herself enrolled in Empire State University, where she was reunited with her former teacher. Now a Professor, Ian Kendall was dating Emma’s room mate Christine McDermott. While attending one of his classes, Emma chanced upon another telepathy. The first she had ever met. Astrid Bloom. The two became fast friends, sharing experiences and knowledge, teaching one another about their abilities. Emma’s confidence was soaring and she decided to renew her relationship with Professor Kendal. Only to have her roommate mirror the actions of her Father, by blackmailing the Professor with the threat of revealing his affairs with students. Astrid, witnessing the entire thing, used her abilities to first force Ian to choke Christine, then forget that it had happened. Upon learning this Emma confronted Astrid, the two battled on both the physical and mental planes. With Emma coming out the victor. She ‘absorbed’ all of Astrid’s vast knowledge of telepathy, as well as her all of Astrid’s own absorbed knowledge on a variety of subjects. When Emma returned to Professor Kendall, explaining to him everything that happened and restoring his memories, he violently rejected her and walked away disgusted. Emma, meanwhile, learned that day the brutal truth about Human distaste for Mutants. She vowed never to be beneath that judgment again.

Capitalizing upon the fact that she now had both a wide range of mental abilities, one of which was the ability to amass knowledge very quickly, Emma blew through her courses in short order. Graduating at the top of her class with a degree in business and finance. On the day of her graduation she learned of her father’s passing. Emma was named one of his three inheritors. Their father leaving Christian out of the will, because of him being Gay. Emma would again reject the notion of returning to the family business, leaving it in the hands of Adrienne. Just give years later, Emma Frost would open Frost International for Public Trading.

Hellfire and Brimstone?

Over the years that followed Emma’s wealth grew.  It grew so much that she was invited to join the Hellfire Club. Despite her initial belief that this was a great honor, she soon found that her rejection of her pedigree meant that she would have to start at the bottom, literally. As a stripper. Despite the indignity, Emma saw the potential. Here she would have access to the minds of the financial wizards of the modern age. She took the offer. Her rise through the ranks of the Club were unprecedented. Though none knew of her ability at first, it soon came to the attention of Sebastian Shaw.  Believing that he could utilize her to counter-balance the Black Queen, Selene, Shaw saw to Emma’s appointment as the White Queen.

Emma’s connection to the Hellfire Club would remain in tact for years and many versions of the Club. Culminating in the founding of the Massachusetts Academy in Boston. This was the Hellfire Club’s idea of a rival club to the one Charles Xavier began in New York. Despite the school’s success, Emma became the unfortunate product of a battle between the Shadow King, Professor X and Magneto. The results of which left her memories erased and she woke up on a desert island, where she would remain for over a year. Her school, her students and children, believing themselves abandoned. In reality it turned out that her sibling Cordelia had taken advantage of Emma’s lost memories, stranding her on the island in order to replace her. Both at Frost International and in the Hellfire Club. Ironically, Magneto became her savior when he too was stranded on the island by the Mad Clone Joseph.

With her return to the world, Emma re-took control of Frost International and crushed her sister Cordelia with extreme prejudice. The last she saw of Cordelia was the demon ‘Blackheart’ dragging her kicking and screaming in to the bowels of the London Hellfire Club. Emma resumed her place as White Queen, but she began working opposed to the ideas of Shaw. This was perhaps brought on by her connection to Erik Lehnsherr. At his urging she began to work with Scott Summers and the X-Men in an effort to restore the Xavier Institute to promise following the ‘Death’ of Charles Xavier. The two began a relationship, that might have become something more if not for the fact that Scott was soon uncovered a Skrull Imposter.  Upon the return of the real Cyclops to Earth, she would find out that he had been body-snatched not long after their first kiss. Despite their attempts to rekindle, Emma was never quite get beyond the ‘real’ Scott’s infatuation with Jean Grey.

Unbeknownst to the people of Earth, their time was ending. Emma began a relationship with Pietro Maximoff, with the blessing of his father and her friend. When the world “ended,” Emma and Pietro stood arm in arm. As the dust cleared, Pietro was not there any longer. Emma stood in a broken world. A world torn asunder by the “Reality Warping” of Wanda Maximoff, by design of her father Erik Lehnsherr. The world she knew was torn asunder. Becoming akin to a dead world, broken and shattered. Half it’s residents missing or dead. She lived there, scraping away for a semblance of life for four years. Discovering new abilities, as she hardened to the world she was forced to live in. Life in this cast away world was not about being happy or sad, but simply surviving.

When she offered the chance at a new start in a new world, how could she say no?

Welcome, to the Thunderdome.

Arriving in the new world, Emma Frost found herself in a world not entirely unlike her own had been. The differences though, were astounding. In this new world Mutants had their own Nation. A nation lead by Erik Magnus, whom she knew as Lehnsherr. The United States was corrupt, but it seemed to be on it’s way towards an up-swing. While the world had been ravaged by a recent War, it seemed to all points be in recovery, where as her own world has shattered. She saw her, a world where she could thrive. But the cost of her ticket to this new world, was one which would potentially cost her everything.

Cassandra Nova. The woman who so resembled Charles Xavier, had offered her this new world with open hands a smile. Two things Emma had learned never to trust. Emma had known other telepaths, like Astrid Bloom. Most weren’t to be trusted and she was sure anyone acting so ‘hat in their hand’ as this one, was as corrupt as they come. Still, she was aware that she could not plot openly. So she fell back to guile and cunning, contacting first a like-soul in Rachel Howlett whom was from a war-torn world herself. Using the young girl as an in, Emma began to build bridges in to the new world. Bridges that would ultimately allow her to remain, while freeing her of the burden of Cassandra Nova.

In time, Emma was able to accomplish her goal, but not without cost. She was forced to by Cassandra Nova in to a gambit with this world’s Native Emma Frost. Only one could remain. Her situation untenable she struck first, but she did so in a surgical way designed to make her counter-part stronger. Betting on the fact that the two of them could be pragmatic enough to set aside this squabble and eliminate Nova. They did, with the help of Scott Summers. Their truce even extending to a point where both Emmas were allowed to stay in this world.

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