Strength 6C |
Intellect 5C | |
2 Edge | * | Hand Size |
Agility 5X | Willpower 7B |
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“I make the black leather look good.”
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Real Name
Alexander “Alex” Summers
Havok, Mutant X.
Secret, formerly registered but under assumed name.
United States of America.
Place of Birth
Honolulu, Hawaii.
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Alex was once a reluctant hero, that got manipulated in to doing some very bad things, but soon discovered that his actions can make a difference. Since this time he has become driven to be an example to others and to bring down those who would bring down others.
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Boxing, Swords (Scimitars); Assessment, Geology; Leadership, Observation, Teaching.
- Cosmic Energy Control 18
- Stunt(s): Absorption, Conversion, Energy Blast [Plasma].
- Limit(s): Cannot safely exceed intensity 15 without power harness.
- Invulnerability to his own mutation and that of his brother Cyclops.
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- Power Gauntlets & Harness
- Stunt(s): Plasma Shield (Identical to Fire Shield under Fire Control), Plasma Shapes – Plasma Sword Only, Air Purification (Alex emits a low level of plasma (Intensity 1 – 2) into the surrounding area, burning up airborne poisons, toxins or pheromones before they can reach him or those around him. Prolonged usage can lead to asphyxiation due to burning up oxygen as well)
- Cybershades
- Stunt(s): Ability Boost [Intellect +1], Commlink, CPU, Sensors (Biometric, Detection [Mutant], Thermal, Radiation).
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Formative Years
Alex and his older brother of two years, Scott, were orphaned at an early age. When they were vacationing at their cabin with a babysitter, their parents went out on a private cruise in their fathers’ airplane… The airplane caught fire and crashed, killing their only immediate family and leaving only a great aunt left who was too old to look after the children properly. As a result, Alex and Scott were placed into an orphanage where they remained for the next few years. Alex doesn’t even have any true memories of their parents to keep with him, only the stories of his brother.
When Scott was 8 and Alex was 6, a foster family that seemed nice enough expressed interest in him. Scott was left behind, partly of his own free choice, as Alex was led away to what ultimately proved to be just the first of several foster families he was placed in. Although Scott made the choice for Alex to have a better life, for a long time there was an underlying sentiment that his brother simply let him go without a fight. Over the years, Alex felt he’d been let go or pushed away so often that it’s almost become an instinctive reflex of his own.
When Alex’s destructive plasma blasts manifested, Alex ran away from his last foster family in fear of mutant persecution. He finally found his way into the fold of the Hellions in their declining days, and somehow found himself in the reluctant role of the group’s leader due to his aggression and incredible power levels. Because of these odd new circumstances, he actually met his brother again face-to-face for the first time in many years in a brief battle with the Academy. Eventually, however, he and his fellow Hellions were in need of asylum from escalating anti-mutant threats and many of them would flock to the Academy in the end.
It was within the Hellions that he met Lorna Dane, and wound up initiating a relationship with her that was been rocky at best due to his issues with trust and abandonment. Just because they migrated to the Academy didn’t mean things would go smoother, either. At a Dazzler concert, Alex was on hand with Lorna when Venom attacked the gathering. The mutants took action, but as a result of carelessness and a lack of real control over his abilities Alex was responsible for the deaths of multiple people. The total number was unable to be calculated due to incineration at the hands of Alex’s plasma blasts.
This impacted Alex rather heavily, causing the boy to become even more of a problem than he ever had been. His continually escalating powers not only scared him, but were now responsible for the deaths of innocents. He dealt with his guilt as best he could, even confronting the parents of two teenage victims, but found no peace from his demons. Alex was straining more and more under the weight of the fears that his friends nor his family could shake him free of, and was violently pushing away everyone who attempted to help him.
Death Comes for Us All…
Things reached a resolution in the worst of ways, however, when Mr Sinister abducted Alex and brainwashed him to become Apocalypse’s Horseman of Death. Filled with a zealous arrogance that he’d never possessed before, and psychically granted the physical skills to exercise it, Alex gladly murdered in his masters name: His most famous victims being teh many politicians and SHIELD agents that got between him and the President of the United States, who he publicly executed in Central Park.
Eventually, however, in an assault on the Academy Alex was subdued by many, primarily being his own brother. The strain of fighting so many familiar faces and his brother finally snapped the mental control from Alex, leaving him devastated. He remained in seclusion until after Apocalypse was defeated, nearly catatonic, until he recovered enough to willingly surrender himself to SHIELD custody.
Alex was imprisoned for murder and treason as SHIELD’s agents, using both psychic and many other investigative means, worked thoroughly to verify that he had indeed been under mental programming and could not be held accountable for his actions. After many long, and painful, weeks it was determined that he was indeed telling the truth. In a trial that never saw any records outside of classified ones, Alex Summers was acquitted for his crimes and returned to the Academy. As a result, with his full genetic profile in SHIELD’s databanks, Alex is technically registered.
To me, my X-Men!
Alex returned to the Academy not a boy any longer, but a man who’d been completely broken apart and was slowly putting himself back together. Now with a quiet, intense focus on improving himself where ever he can, Alex started to apply himself like he never had before. He conditioned himself physically, he practiced with his powers far more than he ever had before, and he worked to make up for the time he’d lost in his studies. He progressed to the point that he was asked to assist the X-Men on missions… Before, with a power harness custom-built and modified for him, he eventually graduated to a full-fledged X-Man himself.
He has since participated in many missions, some more successful than others. He is not timid to take action anymore, feeling a confidence in his abilities and having gained the willingness to take enemy lives when the situation requires it in service of the greater good. He takes these excursions into combat with the utmost seriousness… And though he would firmly deny it, he enjoys the pure release of physical combat and the chance to exercise his abilities.
Having finished his high school studies, and leaving his time with Apocalypse with a plethora of knowledge and fascination with ancient weaponry, he’s begun to pursue a degree in Military History (concentrating on ancient and medieval) with the hopes of applying his skills and knowledge into an eventual teaching position to students and future X-Men. During this time he explored a relationship with fellow student and housemate, Dixie Morgan. The two had been classmates for a number of years, their relationship began innocently enough and soon became extremely seriously. Culminating in Dixie asking him to live with her in New York, while she attended Arcadia University.
Shortly after moving to the City, New York was designated a ‘Mutant Free Zone’ and the X-Men were declared terrorists in the United States. Alex, with much regret, was forced to leave the States with his brother Scott. He did this at great personal cost, for her own good he choose to part ways with Dixie who would no longer be able to visit him regularly while they were in hiding.
After a year in Australia, the Horseman known as Pestilence attacked and destroyed the X-Men’s base in Australia, grievously wounding Alex in the process. He was moved to the X-Men’s aquatic submersible, where he remained until it too was attacked, this time by the Marauders. Alex was one of the final X-Men to leave the base, he remained till the last second in order to save Tabitha Smith and the young generation of X-Men known as New Mutants. He watched in horror as his brother Scott, apparently chose to go down with the ship to assure the Marauders did not escape either.
With no home to speak of, Alex took the New Mutants to the X-Mansion in New York, where he spoke with Charles Xavier about reconstituting the Xavier’s Institute. The Professor, at the time, was about to become involved in running for Vice President so he did not believe it was the proper time considering the Federal Government would be thoroughly investigating him for proper clearances. Some time later though, the Professor agreed to allow Lorna Dane and Jubilee work to restore the School and house the X-Men.
Alex Summers spent the time working with and training the New Mutants; Meltdown, Motormouth, lil’Hank, Hellion, and Tigress. The New Mutants were supposed to be the fail-safe, the X-Men of Tomorrow. They proved themselves in the field on multiple occasions.
As time passed and the New Mutants became X-Men in their own right, he found himself in the midst of a budding relationship with former student Tabitha Smith. Years prior he had met her during her time as a student at Arcadia, during an attack upon the school. She was single-handedly fighting off mutated three ‘Astral Dogs’, while barely managing to control her powers. At the time Alex was impressed with her, but over the years this image stuck in mind perhaps in spite of Tabitha’s efforts to seem at all times like a truly care free person.
He would later discover discover that their attraction to one another was in part uniquely chemical, as she served as a sort of ‘Battery’ to his mutation. Perhaps in spite of this discovery, Alex came to realize that Meltdown would never be able to commit to a relationship. Still the two became close friends and partners in the field.
Walk Tall, Carry a Big Stick.
His work with the New Mutants was appreciated so much, that the new X-Men coordinator Tessa Niles, the Sage, decided it was time to see if Havok could live up to his brother’s legacy. Havok was given the opportunity to lead an X-Team, comprised of mostly former New Mutants, on a delicate mission to Russia to rescue the Wolverine from Omega Red. The mission was a success, Alex was last seen giving a silent moment of thanks to his missing brother.
Not long after the mission, Alex began to feel the burden of Leadership. The X-Men were scattered and somewhat leaderless without Scott to helm the ship. As War began in the West, with Russia, he began to feel the stirrings of something deep within his core. The Professor hypothesized that Alex and Scott were deeply connected via their mutation, which in turn was why their powers never worked upon one another. Charles believed that Alex was feeling the experimentation upon Scott’s actual mutation. While uplifted that finally there was confirmation of his brother being alive, he was horrified to know that they left Scott in captivity for so long. Choosing to step aside from the budding War, Alex invested himself and those who volunteered to help him (Rogue, Scott, Warpath) in to searching the globe for Scott. Despite coming up empty handed more than once, eventually the team caught a lucky break, in the form of Rachel Howlett’s surprise return to the timeline. With her aide the team soon began to track down Marauder bases and though they came up empty more than once they did finally manage to free Scott from the hands of Mister Sinister.
With his brother back and the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning restored, Alex found himself truly at peace with himself for the first time in his life. Despite the War going on overseas, the man known as Havok knew for the first time what his calling in life was. Like his brother before him, Alex had shown a true knack for leadership and the charisma to inspire others when the chips were down. This went hand in hand with his knowing already that he enjoyed teaching others. After literally years Alex Summers was able to reconcile his time as a Horseman, forgive himself and try to begin moving forward with his life.
Days of Future Past?!
Due in part to his past a Horseman, Alex was deemed to be an at-risk target and so Tessa Niles kept he and his team out of the War with Russia as a sort ‘Home Defense.’ In turn this allowed for his squad of X-Men to focus upon the more day to day aspects of just being X-Men; training in the Danger Room, recruiting for the schools, righting the wrongs of the world and focus primarily on just saving lives. Once the War was over though, Alex’s history with the Horseman once more came in to play. Rogue and Warren had both been turned in to Horsemen themselves and so Alex found himself once more teaching, as he tried to help his friends find a semblance of peace that he himself knew.
Rogue, Warren and Alex would go on to open a new school, in Genosha, based upon Xavier’s Dream. The Xavier University.
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