Cassandra Sandsmark Wonder Woman

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Real Name;
Cassandra Sandsmark.
Wonder Woman.
Greece, United States of America.
Place of Birth;
Athens, Greece


  • Her unique childhood at the feet of historians, and history itself from around the world led to Cassie growing up to be smart, independent and yet with a very clear sense of where her moral compass points.  Generally friendly, easy going, and caring, Cassandra suffered a bit of a jolt to her confidence and sense of self with the emergence of her powers.  As she grows into them, however, she’s learning that her life isn’t so much two sides of a coin, as one clear stamp.


  • Powers
    • Magic Lasso: Move Object 12, Ranged Damage 12 (Lightning, Requires Grab), Ranged Affliction 12 (Resisted by Will; Vulnerable, Compelled), Limited to Telling the Truth, Limited Degree, Easily Removable
    • Soaring: Flight 11 (4,000 MPH)
    • Strength of Zeus: Enhanced Strength 3, Limited to Lifting (Lifting Str 19)
  • Advantages
    • Attractive (+2 circumstance bonus on Deception and Persuasion checks), Defensive Roll 2, Ranged Attack 4, Teamwork (+5 circumstance bonus)
  • Skills
    • Acrobatics 4 (+13), Athletics 4 (+18), Close Combat: Unarmed 3(+10), Expertise: Mythology 4 (+5), Insight 5 (+8), Perception 5 (+8), Persuasion 5 (+8), Ranged Combat: Lasso 4 (+13)
  • Offenses ( )
  • Defenses (Dodge 16 Fortitude 14 Parry 16 Toughness 14  Will 16)


Helena Sandsmark studied archaeology at Harvard University, and was frequently remarked as a brilliant and insightful pupil.  Her ability to connect historical dots, and draw her own proverbial and sometimes literal maps to the puzzles of history earned her places on digs around the world.  The one that earned her fame among her professional peers was a groundbreaking discovery in Greece.  During this time she also met the man who would father her daughter, and learned that he was not in truth a ‘man’ at all.  Her beauty and wit had garnered the attention of Zeus, the King of the Olympian Gods.  The two would spend a little over a year together in the region, and shortly before Helena gave birth to a baby girl he would leave her.  Realizing what he was, and what that would make their offspring, Helena extracted a promise from God that the girl’s powers would be kept from her until she came of age, allowing her a ‘human’ childhood.


Her brilliant work led to a colleague recommending her to a position at the Gateway City Museum of Antiquities, the largest collection of Greek Artifacts outside of the country itself.  The young mother, and her daughter, stayed in Gateway City a half dozen years or so, before the wandering bug bit Helena again. By this time, Cassandra was old enough to take with her, precocious enough to not be a hindrance and also prove an apt pupil not only to her mother’s words but any other academic that she was exposed to.  Leaving Gateway City was no hardship for either of them, perhaps the Greek relics were too painful a reminder or the urge to explore could no longer be denied.  The two would, however, stay out of Greece.  There were endless other places to dig, and never a lack of offers.

But as Cassandra’s sixteenth birthday drew nearer, Helena once again gave up field work to accept a curator-ship.  This time in Metropolis, her work and Cassie’s experience with her securing a scholarship to St. Mary’s, an elite All-Girl’s school in the city for her daughter.  Having been ‘home’ schooled up until that point, the teenager didn’t understand the reasoning for the sudden change especially when she found herself far in advance of the coursework available to her.  Soon she had more immediate concerns than how unfair her ‘grounding’ to one place was.  Her birthday came, and with it came inexplicable changes.  Doors accidentally crushed, both wood and metal, feet that no longer wanted to stay on the ground.  Confused over what was happening to her, she tried to hide it from the one person who actually knew what was going on, and withdrew further from her classmates.  This only led to an increase in the bullying she experienced, thanks to being not only new but a scholarship student in a sea of trust fund heiresses.

A representative from N.O.W.H.E.R.E. introduced himself to Cassie, or rather interjected himself into her life despite her best efforts to dissuade and ignore him.  Conner Luthor turned her already upside down world upside over again, molding her into the social A-Lister that Cassandra had no interest in being.  He earned her mother’s approval by goading Cassie to participate in school, rather than just suffering through it, and the pretense of her tutoring him in history turned into Cassie and Conner dating.  She provided a sort of sense of morals for him, and he kept her out of N.O.W.H.E.R.E.’s clutches officially while providing a trainer/training companion.  

Senior year of High School saw her in more control of her powers, her life, and her relationships. She’d learned from her Mother the true nature of her heritage, and the information that had been kept from her for her whole life.  Something that threatened the bond between the two of them, and it was only thanks to unlikely advice from Conner that she’s been trying to mend those bridges.  Cassandra’s constant urging for Conner to do something ‘good’ with his powers led to him ‘outing’ her at a press conference, along with himself, as Wonder Woman and the new Superman.  With some help from their mutual friend Tim Drake, Cassie is beginning to gather other powered individuals to try and help them with abilities they don’t understand, as well as to protect them from N.O.W.H.E.R.E..

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