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Real Name: Jack Napier.
Identity: Secret, Unknown even to himself at times.
Occupation: Criminal
Base: Gotham City
Affiliation: None
Height: 6 ft, 5 in.
Weight: 192 lbs.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Green
Citizenship: United States of America.
Place of Birth: Gotham City, U.S.A.
- Most people believe the Joker to be mentally ill, but they’re wrong. While legally insane and exhibiting psychopathic, even sociopathic, tendencies the Joker is in full control of his faculties. He is a cunning, deceitful, purveyor of death and chaos. Lacking in any moral fiber that would bind him to the structure of society. He sees the world as a toy to be played with for his own amusement. That being his major motivational factor; His amusement and his amusement alone. The Joker is quite literally capable of any crime that his mind can justify as potentially fun. Oddly despite being an agent of chaos, the Joker is a thoroughly able to construct long, integral plans. It’s merely a matter of whether the players of his games will amuse him enough to see them through to their inevitably brutal end.
- Enhanced Physiology
- Resistance to Pain, Poisons & Toxins.
- Regeneration
- Advantages
- All-out Attack, Close Attack 3, Daze, Defensive Roll 4, Equipment 8-15, Fascinate (Deception), Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Luck, Move-by Action, Redirect, Set-up, Skill Mastery (Deception), Skill Mastery (Taunt).
- Skills
- Acrobatics 8 (+12), Athletics 8 (+12), Close Combat: Lapel Flower 2 (+12), Deception 14 (+20), Insight 10 (+18), Intimidation 14 (+20), Perception 10 (+15), Ranged Combat: Guns 8 (+14), Selight of Hand 10 (+16), Stealth 8 (+16), Technology 4 (+10), Vehicles 4 (+12).
- Offense (Initiative +8)
- Lapel Flower +12, Close, Affliction 12 or Damage 6
- Pistol +10, Ranged, Damage 8
- Unarmed +10, Close, Damage 6.
- Defense
- Dodge 15, Parry 12, Will 14, Fortitude 8, Toughness 7
- Enhanced Physiology
- Equipment
- Lapel Flower: Array
- Joker Venom: Affliction 10-15 (Resisted by Fortitude, Dazed, Stunned, Incapacitated)
- Squirting Acid: Damage 5-10 (Acid), Secondary Effect
- Joy Buzzer: Damage 8-12 (Electricity)
- Marbles: Cone Area Affliction 8-12 (Resisted by Dodge, Prone, Immobilized) Limited to Two Degrees
- Weapons: Typical a Pistol (Damage 5) or similar ranged weapon (max 15).
- Lapel Flower: Array
- Complications
- Madness: The Joker is completely insane and therefor prone to irrational behavior.
- Trademark: The Joker’s ego compels him to taunt, leave clues and otherwise make it clear he is responsible for his actions.
Once he was a man like any other, who had one bad day. Unremarkable in every way, Jack Napier was a man with a future. Whether that future was a good one or not is debatable. He had a wife and a baby on the way, with all the pressure that brings with it to support them. The budding struggled to make ends meet, as Jack worked in the factory by day and as a would-be stand-up comedian by night. His true life began with a telegraph…
One Bad Day.
Layoffs at the Factory. It was the worst possible news as it followed shortly upon the heels of his wife telling him that they were soon to have a baby. That put all of the pressure in the world upon Jack to perform, to make his floundering hobby in to the bread winning career that it needed to be. That too was not to be, for upon arrival at that night’s gig he was informed that his act had been pulled. Pulled in favor of a harmonica playing chimpanzee. Spending his last few dollars on a drink at the bar, he told his plight to the only person in the world he could talk to. The Barkeep who was listening far less than the two gun-toting chaps at the end of the bar. They overheard the tale of woe and by stroke of luck had an opportunity for young Napier to overcome his bad luck and turn everything around.
All he had to do was wear a hood, guide the two goons through the factory that he’d spent the last five years working at. A piece of cake. Easy money. A chance at redemption, to be the savior his wife thought him to be. Don’t forget the chance at Fame, he would be the Red Hood from the news papers! Of course he agreed, how could he not? He had to call his wife and tell her, but she was not answering the phone. That was okay with his new friends who were eager to plan their job. They told him of the ‘Heist’ which, despite frightening young Jack, did not scare him out of the plan. It was only a call, later that evening, from the local precinct to inform him of the tragic accident that had taken his wife and unborn son that drove Jack to pull out of the job. Why bother? There was no one to save anymore.
His new friends would have none of it. He’d already told them much of what they needed to know, but they didn’t have his experience. His mind was as better than any map they might glean from it. He was going, that was all their was too it. Their plan was nearly foolproof, but apparently not nearly enough. As Jack stumbled, alerting the security guards. Soon the Cops were on scene, eager to capture the Hood and his gang! They weren’t the only one, as the six foot Bat that had come to call Gotham his came in search of prey as well. Prey is exactly what Jack was. A patsy, he stumbled and bumbled his way through the factory. Getting separated from his men and lost by the cops. But, not from the Bat. The Bat found him. Threatened him. Ultimately the Bat gave chase, driving Jack to an elevated walkway while he struggled to see through the terrible hooded mask. A wrong step, is all it took to bring that one bad day to a merciful end.
Down in to the vat of Chemical waste. Out in to the raw sewage dump of it’s time. What rose from the ashes of a single bad day was something that could never again be unremarkable….
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