Conner Luthor’s Timeline

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  • After searching for untold millennia for the Anti-Life Equation the despotic ruler of Apokalips found traces of it on Earth. Using Boom Tube Technology a scouting party, known only as the Furies, was sent from Apokalips to Earth to gauge it’s defenses. Upon their arrival they discovered that the armed forces of Earth were vastly inferior, so the leader of the Scouts decided to conquer the planet outright. Their invasion began in the country of France and would soon envelope most of Europe. Eventually a group of Meta-Humans was sanctioned to stop the threat.
  • Lead by Lex Luthor, the team consisting of the Superman, Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman, Martian Man-Hunter, would engage and defeat the furies. Driving them back through their Boom Tube to Apokalips. Through out the series of battles, Luthor employed unmanned drones and body cams to monitor the battle and direct the team. Unbeknownst to them he was also filming their every move and every word. After the defeat of the Furies, Luthor would release the contents of these recordings to the general press prior to the governments of the world being able to declare them classified. In doing so the Press took much of footage out of context and drew the conclusion that the entire invasion was the fault of the Aliens already on the planet. Most specifically the Superman, whom the Furies claimed was the reason their world discovered Earth in the first place.


  • Superman is observed leaving Earth. His estimated path will take him in the direction of the dead planet of Krypton.
  • With his greatest obstacle now out of the way, Lex Luthor begins to cultivate a society of fear for Meta-Humans and Aliens. His overarching plan is to make society so fearful of metas that are not on a leash, that when he introduces laws governing extraordinary people not only will he face very little opposition, but he will be touted as a hero in his own right.
  • As part of Luthor’s grand scheme, he sanctions the Cadmus Project to utilize N.O.W.H.E.R.E.’s vast catalog of meta-human abilities create controllable meta-human soldiers. Over all there were thirteen different generations of Project Cadmus’ efforts that were considered successful over the course of the next couple years.


  • Luthor’s overall goal of cultivating a society of fear would be a great success, but one that ultimately backfired. Over the course of his first year without Superman to intervene, Luthor was able to greatly change the laws governing Meta-Humans and Aliens. They were now required to be licensed agents in order to act in the public interest. Any that were Non-Compliant were labeled as vigilantes and subject to no better treatment than the criminals they fought. Aliens were required to register with the United Nations, which Luthor now mostly controlled due to his efforts in stopping the Alien Invasion. Unlike Meta-Humans, Alien Rights were sharply controlled and they were not allowed to act as public defenders without extreme scrutiny.
  • However this society of fear would also empower an unknown force.  The Green Lantern whom aided in the first Invasion, would see his City, his Fiance and all those he loved lost in the coming of another alien: Mongul. Though the Green Lantern was able to turn back this Mongul creature, it was not until Luthor deployed all thirteen generations of his new superteam to assist. Even then the losses and devastation to Coast City were immense. This somehow gave life to the fear in the heart of Hal Jordan. Interacting with the yellow-impurity in his ring, the Fear eventually bubbled to the surface and Parallax was born. Parallax would rail against Luthor’s governance. Rebuilding Coast City and all of it’s inhabitants as constructs of his ring.
  • Once more the world was imperiled, but this time the peril was fueled by a monster of Luthor’s own creation. Luthor’s Gen13 team were like paper soldiers before Parallax. Eventually forcing Luthor to once more employ the other heroes of the world in fighting off the threat. Even then they were not able to defeat Parallax, merely force him to flee.


  • Knowing that the victory was temporary, Luthor enacted a 14th generation of his meta-human project. Commanding Cadmus to build him a ‘Better Superman’, he gave them the sole genetic sample of Superman available to him. Unfortunately cloning a Kryptonian proved difficult at best. The genetic material was incomplete at best, so Luthor devised a means by which they would employ an embryo from Lena Luthor. Fertilizing it with genetic material from Superman. Filling in any missing genetic markers with his own DNA.
  • Thus was Superboy, Conner Luthor, born.